MF1 – Semi-automatic care machine

The MF1 is the ideal solution in addition to automated cellars and for the care of small, dedicated series. The new generation has been completely upgraded, delivering more flexibility and a wider range of applications.
You can be sure of benefitting from a reliable, tried and tested machine for many years to come.

Overall design

  • The easy-access care station has been designed to our ‘Hygienic Design’ specifications.
  • The highly compact chassis is mounted on three large-diameter wheels, making it easy to move over thresholds. The pivoting front wheel can be locked once the machine is in position.
  • A range of carousels are available for use with various sizes of cheese, with 2 to 9 care trays.
  • The working height of the care trays is 100 cm.


  • Sturdy, durable construction with a mechanically-welded one-piece chassis, 1.4301 stainless steel throughout.
  • Hygienic : the care system features smooth welds and is easily accessible. The inclined surface allows optimum drainage of spent brine and cleaning water.
  • Tool-free removal of the carousel, trays, brushes, and side protectors, simplifying cleaning operations.
  • Board holders swivel, saving space when storing the machine.


  • Range of brushes and trays available.
  • The pressure of the top brush can be adjusted electronically ; the side brush has a manual tension system.
  • Multi-tray carousel system gives operators time and room to handle cheese properly both before and after treatment.
  • After the cheese has been placed on the intake tray, treatment is automated through to the output at the end of the cycle.
  • Cheese detection sensor controls the care process and spraying.

Tanks & Pumps

  • Two peristaltic pumps independently supply the sprin-kler systems on the side and top of the cheese, can be configured separately for each recipe.
  • Two light, easy-to-clean 16-litre tanks : one to hold brine, the other to collect smear. Inexpensive to re-place.
  • To ensure perfect hygiene, the brine supply circuit comprises a single tube made from food-grade silicone, running from the tank to the sprinkler nozzle.

User interface

  • Fitted on a stainless steel bracket, the control panel allows the machine to be operated without cluttering up the workspace.
  • The machine is operated using physical controls and a colour touchscreen.
  • The modern, user-friendly graphic interface makes operating the machine easy and intuitive.
  • Use of the interface is facilitated by a reversible pen ; this also protects the screen from dirt.


  • A programmable logic controller allows settings and can save a large number of parameters. All the care settings can thus be saved in recipes :
    • Care time
    • Top brush pressure
    • Side, and top brush rotation speed as well as tray speed
    • Number and duration of side and surface brine pump strokes

Presentation film

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